If the guide was a painting

One of the latest articles from AGIT (Association des Guides Interprètes & Conférenciers du Tarn) on Facebook.

If the guide was a painting. Here is Eléonore de Lapérouse, 279 years old and not a wrinkle! Our guide AGITée slips here into the skin of the wife of the famous navigator from Albi, who left in 1785 to explore the Pacific.

A little wink to this faithful woman, who for 20 years will wait for the return of her husband, in vain. She was born on May 15.

Do not hesitate to follow the visit ‘Promenade avec Mme Lapérouse, Albi au siècle des lumières”, the next one will take place on Friday, May 27 at 10:30 am (information at the tourist office Destination Albi).


AGIT is a partner of ALAF. Thanks to him, many people visited the Lapérouse museum in Albi.

L’AGIT (Association des Guides-Interprètes du Tarn) federates today about forty guides-conférenciers qualified by the State and authorized to lead guided tours in museums and historical monuments.

Specialists in their region, our guides are “cultural ambassadors”, driven by a passion for their profession and working in partnership with local (but also departmental and regional) cultural actors.

AGIT offers a wide range of services throughout the year:

- Guided tours (classic, thematic, theatrical, nature and heritage walks)
- Fun and interactive tours (treasure hunts, treasure hunts, treasure trails)
- Events (cluedos, conferences)
- Virtual visits and video-conferences

And for all types of public: individuals, groups, schools and private.

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